world Mental Health Day

Published Date: 10/10/2024

Nick Koyang

Nick is an AASW Accredited Social Worker and a registered ACA counsellor. Supporting clients face-to-face in Melbourne or online across Australia and beyond.

World Mental Health Day: Prioritizing Your Well-being

Today (10th October) is the World Mental Health Day, it is a reminder of the vital role mental health plays in our everyday lives. It’s a day to reflect on the importance of mental well-being and the steps we can take to nurture it. No matter where you are on your mental health journey, today is an opportunity to start making positive changes for a healthier mind.

Understanding Mental Health and Its Impact

Mental health is more than just the absence of mental illness; it’s a state of well-being where individuals can cope with life’s stresses, work productively, and contribute to their communities. It affects all areas of life, including relationships, work, and physical health. Yet, misconceptions persist, such as the belief that mental health struggles are a sign of weakness or that they only affect certain people. Addressing these misconceptions helps create a more supportive environment for everyone.

Signs That You May Need to Prioritise Your Mental Wellbeing

It’s easy to overlook signs of declining mental health, but recognising them is crucial. Common indicators include:

• Persistent sadness or low mood

• Irritability or anger outbursts

• Changes in sleep patterns (insomnia or oversleeping)

• Withdrawal from social interactions

• Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

Regular self-check-ins can help you stay aware of how you’re feeling and take steps to address concerns before they escalate.

Practical Tips for Looking After Your Mental Health

Self-care strategies: Small daily practices can make a big difference. Regular physical activity, nutritious meals, and adequate sleep all contribute to a healthy mind. Find what recharges you—whether it’s reading, spending time outdoors, or engaging in creative hobbies.

Mindfulness and relaxation techniques: Mindfulness practices like meditation, breathing exercises, or yoga can help reduce stress and increase emotional resilience. These practices can be easily incorporated into your daily routine, even if just for a few minutes.

Setting boundaries: Knowing your limits and setting boundaries at work or in your personal life helps prevent burnout. It’s okay to say “no” when you need to rest or take time for yourself.

The Role of Social Connection in Mental Health

Social connections play a key role in maintaining well-being. Feeling supported by friends, family, or community can act as a buffer against life’s stresses. If you’re feeling isolated, reaching out to someone you trust can help. It could be a simple text, a call, or arranging to meet up for a coffee. Take a moment to think about who are the people you trust and love, and you feel comfortable to rely on?

Professional Help is Okay

There’s no shame in seeking professional help when life feels overwhelming. Therapy or counselling can provide tools to better understand your feelings and develop coping strategies. Consider reaching out if you’re experiencing prolonged distress, have difficulty managing daily tasks, or notice persistent changes in mood. Therapy is not just for “crises”; it can also be a proactive way to maintain mental health.

How to Support Others with Their Mental Health

Supporting others doesn’t mean you need to solve their problems. Instead:

• Listen actively: Sometimes, just being there to listen without judgment is enough.

• Encourage seeking help: If someone seems to be struggling, gently suggest professional support.

• Start conversations: Normalise talking about mental health by sharing your own experiences or asking how they’re really feeling.

Resources for Mental Health Support in Melbourne

Melbourne has a range of mental health resources to support you:

Ashore Wellness

Offers counselling services, including Walk & Talk Therapy, to help you navigate life’s challenges.

Lifeline Australia (13 11 14)

24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services, available through online chat, text message, or over the phone.

Beyond Blue

Provides resources and support for anxiety, depression, and suicide prevention.


A mental health service for young people aged 12-25, offering support for mental health, physical health, and education.

Online Apps

Apps like Headspace, Calm, and Bend also offer mindfulness exercises and guided meditations to help manage stress.


Mental health is just as important as physical health, and taking steps to nurture it is an investment in your overall well-being. This World Mental Health Day, make a commitment to prioritize your mental health. Even a small step can be powerful—whether it’s starting a new self-care practice, reaching out to a friend, or booking your first counselling session.

Let’s start the conversation. Share this post with someone who might need it and encourage others to reflect on their mental well-being too. Together, we can create a more supportive community for all.















































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