Free Mental Health Resource

The DASS21 (Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale 21) is an assessment tool developed by Australian psychologists Sydney Lovibond and Peter Lovibond at UNSW. It is designed to evaluate an individual’s mental health in the areas of depression, anxiety, and stress. This simplified version consists of 21 items and uses a straightforward self-reporting method to help users quickly understand their mental state. The test is suitable for adults, including individuals looking to self-assess their mental health, mental health professionals seeking diagnostic support, and community organizations providing related services. The test takes about five minutes to complete, with each item describing a simple statement that users rate based on their experiences over the past week. The DASS21 is a non-diagnostic tool, and results are for reference only. If the results indicate elevated stress, anxiety, or depression levels, it is recommended to consult a mental health professional for further advice and support.
About this self-assessment
After completing the DASS21 assessment, you can choose to submit your results to have a copy sent to your email for easy reference and record-keeping. You also have the option to request Ashore Wellness’s professional team to contact you for further mental health support. We are committed to providing a safe and compassionate service for every user in need.
Even if you choose not to submit the form, you can still view your results directly on the webpage.
We respect your privacy and choices, and any information you submit will be strictly confidential. This service is designed to provide you with a convenient way to gain an initial understanding of your mental health and offer options for further support if needed.
Instructions for Completing the Form
1. Carefully read each of the following statements and think about how much you agree with them based on your experiences in the past week, assigning a score between 0 and 3:
0= Did not apply to me at all – NEVER
1=Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time – SOMETIMES
2=Applied to me to a considerable degree, or a good part of time – OFTEN
3=Applied to me very much, or most of the time – ALMOST ALWAYS
2. After clicking “See the results,” you can choose whether to have the results emailed to yourself and proceed to the next step by clicking “Complete the details”
3. Complete the details and hit “Submit”